My name is Ana Zuric. I’m a full time yoga teacher living in New York City. I’m originally from Montenegro. It’s a beautiful small country with all limitations. I was always interested in learning about the human body, anatomy and physiology so I completed a degree in Faculty of Pharmacy in Montenegro. During my internship I saw that was not for me. The Virgo in me wants to truly help people so I quit my job and moved to the USA and that’s how I started my yoga journey and the path to discover who I truly am.
I finished 200 YTT in Yoga Vida, 20hrs Yin training, am a NASM certified personal trainer, CFSC, - and I keep learning. When you’ve always been told who you are, what you should do, who you should love, yoga helps you find yourself, find your voice. It’s a lifetime long journey and it’s 100% worth it. Yoga helped me to get out of my shell and just be me and I know it can help you too.
“Yoga is about self expression. It is about finding your own rhythm, your own path. Yoga allows you to be curious about who you are and at peace with all of the unexpected discoveries”
-Taryn Raine